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San Marino last minute deals 4
San Marino last minute deals 5
San Marino last minute deals 6

San Marino last minute deals

Staying in San Marino with last minute deals at Titano Suites Hotel means spending a pleasant vacation in a unique area at unbeatable prices.

The 4-star hotel located in Contrada del Collegio offers guests numerous rates to seize, last-minute special packages with which to experience a true dream getaway.

The hotel always ensures unbeatable special offers, ideal for those who want to spend one or more days in San Marino staying in a superior category hotel at low costs.


San Marino last minute deals in 4 stars

With last minute Titano Suites you stay in a centrally located hotel located inside a historic building, dating back to the 19th century.

The structure ensures that the hotel has a completely unique charm and fits perfectly into the fabric of the historic city center.

The hotel boasts breathtaking views of the Montefeltro Valley and has rooms and suites with a modern design, elegant and functional at the same time, with parquet floors and handmade frescoes.

They are equipped with amenities such as free wi-fi internet connection, TV with satellite channels, minibar, and bathroom with bathtub and shower.


San Marino last minute deals in the historic centre

Titano Suites is also convenient and comfortable because it allows you to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the same environment thanks to the presence of Caffè Titano and La Terrazza Restaurant.

The Café is perfect for a quick snack, coffee or aperitif.

La Terrazza Restaurant is the ideal choice for those who want to discover the characteristic cuisine of Romagna, with pasta and bread handcrafted by the Chef.

Those who love to relax can treat themselves to a massage or treatment at the nearby Maurice Mességué Center at the Grand Hotel San Marino.


Stay in San Marino with last-minute deals from Titano Suites Hotel.

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